Lets get you

Ready To Birth!

If you’re here, that means you’ve received a QR code from one of my favorite providers, and its my honor to be working with them to bring you this offer at the reduced rate of $85.00*

To book an appointment, please fill out the form below - I’ll send over the link to my calendar and we can get you scheduled and Ready To Birth!

*Travel fees outside of the San Marcos to New Braunfels area occur at an additional $15.

For more information, scroll below to read about how this idea came about. And then check out the rest of my site while you’re here!

As a Doula and Licensed Massage Therapist my passion is to help women in their journey through pregnancy, delivery and those early months of postpartum. However, I know how chaotic this time can be, and not everyone can juggle OB/Midwifery appointments, doula prenatals, chiropractic care, massage… the list goes on.

In wanting to serve my clients better, I came up with the idea of a one-time prenatal/bodywork appointment — ideal for those that don’t already have doula support or access to hands on bodywork. Or, for those that are coming up on their due date and baby has jammed themselves into some awkward position.

Our bodies serve as a container for our babies, and… our babies will fill up that container wherever the space is available. So, if you’ve got tension in your hips flexors, your back, even your upper body — baby will find a way to make themselves fit. Often times that means they’ve squeezed into a non-optimal position and… that’s why I’m here to help!

Ready To Birth sessions focus on your body alignment. We will assess what areas are tight, which are weak, and then work to not only “stretch the tight spots” but give you specific exercises to strengthen the weak areas, release the fascial tension, and empower you with the knowledge of how to address some of those issues yourself at home!